6 Success Stories

Today we’re bringing you not one success story, but six! Domitra, Firote, Zawadi, Irankunda, Eshimonwe, and Bernadet all completed a special 15-hour housekeeping course in Oshkosh. These 6 women represented 4 different countries of origin and spoke 3 different languages. Their positive attitudes and teamwork carried them all the way as they helped each other through language barriers and learning American work culture.

Taught by our own Dianne, they learned about customer service, how to clean a room, asking questions, and interviewing techniques. We even brought in a bed, nightstand and vacuum cleaner for some hands-on training. At the end of the training session, the women had interviews with local companies.

This was the first time many of them had ever been in a job interview and, while nervous, they all performed magnificently. They are all looking forward to working, improving their English skills, and making their new land into home.

Congratulations to all of you, and please keep us posted on your triumphs.

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