Doris Gets More Out of Life

Doris came to TrANS last year with one goal in mind: to be the best. Today, she’s such a great flagger that drivers actually thank her when she says to slow down. If you ask why she’ll never slow her career down, though, she’ll tell you it’s because she wants to be the best mom, too.

“I’ve worked long hot hours. . . only to barely stay above water,” she tells us. As a single mom, she was “always trying to play catch up with the rent, bills, and having extra money to just enjoy life.” Five years ago, she couldn’t keep up any more and found herself staying in a shelter with her six-year old son. She vowed never to put her son in that situation again.

She wanted a job where her long hours would pay off. When Doris realized that construction was an option, she grabbed the opportunity with both hands. “Doris’ competitive drive was unmatched,” says her TrANS instructor Ranard. “She prided herself on following-through and completing course activity with unrivaled veracity.”

Today, Doris is proud to work as a flagger with Northeast Asphalt. “Now I can enjoy working long hours knowing I’m not behind on any bills, knowing that I can take a trip if I wanted to, most of all I can work knowing that I’m providing a better quality of life for my son, my pride and joy, my motivation to always want more out of life.”

Congratulations, Doris!

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