Dustin Drives His Recovery

Transportation obstacles are not issues that just affect individuals but the entire community. This is a story about someone who is paying it forward – at least, he was trying to, but his mission was hindered by unreliable transportation.

Leading by Experience

Dustin is recovering from drug and alcohol abuse. It’s a struggle he has faced most of his life, but a few years ago, a few important steps changed his direction.

“I had hit rock bottom and sought help through Lighthouse Recovery Community Center and the Manitowoc County Drug Court Program,” he explains. Through their trainings, he found work in the field that also helps him and keeps him accountable. He is a Certified Peer Support Specialist and recovery coach and uses his own experience to help others.

“I also work for the Alliance for Wisconsin Youth, where we reach out for legislation to pass policies, laws to protect minors from accessing alcohol, cigarette, vapes, etc.” It’s an incredibly important job that is important to Dustin. “I absolutely love my job and making a difference in the community.”

One of his primary responsibilities is to visit patients who have substance abuse problems and speak to them about treatment options and availability. However, he found himself in a tricky situation without a vehicle of his own.

That’s when he found WETAP.

Clearing a Path Forward

Dustin enrolled in WETAP for transportation assistance, “because I am still in the process of building my credit history and still recovering from addiction. I often refer a lot of clients to the WETAP program, and it was time I took my own advice and reached out for assistance.”

“Having transportation helps me get around a lot easier,” Dustin says. “Not having a car has made me rely on my mom to get my kids around. Now I will be more self-sufficient to do what I need to do. Having a car gives me the opportunity to make more of a difference. I haven’t had a car in a while so this means freedom.”

Dustin plans on continuing his fight to help others recover from addiction. “I know that I am going to get where I want to be,” he says. In the same vein, many people suffer from drug and alcohol addiction, which can hinder their chances of success. Therefore, it is recommended to go to a rehabilitation center near them like Fusion Recovery to overcome an addiction.

This could be a good example of someone who has overcome their addiction problem to follow their dreams and overcome their addiction. Moreover, his dream of achieving a better life is one step closer to becoming a reality with reliable transportation.


Dustin benefitted from the following programs:

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