Edward’s Calling

Every once in a while, someone comes in knowing exactly what they want to do, but they need help to get there. Edward was such a case. He had a dream of becoming a minister, but as a father, he needed full-time employment to support his family while he studied.

Since Edward had FoodShare, he was immediately eligible for the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program. So, when he walked through the doors of our Fond du Lac office, he was assigned Angel as a case manager, and she enrolled him on right the spot.

With a clear goal of entering the ministry, they began detailing what his path might look like. He needed to study, which meant he needed time. Full-time employment would give him the room to focus, but he needed transportation assistance to secure employment. They got to work.

As Edward began his job search, FSET provided him with vouchers to get to and from interviews. Meanwhile, he connected with the Christian Leadership Institute to enroll in five classes toward his Masters Degree. All of this, on top of being a full-time father, never stopped Edward from moving forward.

Soon, Edward was offered a full-time position that would provide him the financial stability to provide for his family and continue his studies. He used the resources provided by FSET to get a foothold, and now he is able to stay focused on studying for the ministry. He is a testament to the power of mapping out the journey to a destination and taking one step at a time.

“It was a pleasure to support Edward on his employment journey. His positive attitude and determination in the FSET program is inspiring,” Angel says.

Congratulations, Edward. It was a pleasure to work with you!

Need help finding a job to get you to your dream career? Learn how our FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program can help.

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