Allyson Makes Her Family Proud

Congratulations to Allyson on two awesome accomplishments: getting a job and getting promoted within just a few months!

As a mother of two, it meant the world to Allyson to get a stable income. Recently divorced, Allyson was new to the area and had just gained full custody of her children when all of a sudden, she lost her job.

While Allyson was nervous about her situation, she was determined to turn things around. Since she did not know what resources were available in her area, when she learned that the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program could help her find them, she quickly signed up.

“I wanted to obtain part-time employment to start with until I could gain childcare and eventually work up to full time work,” Allyson says. She met her FSET Employment Specialist, Ella, to ensure that she had all the resources she needed to achieve her goals, particularly gas vouchers so she could get to and from interviews.

In just two weeks, she already had a job offer from a local nonprofit. She started as an administrative assistant and quickly proved herself on the job. In a few months, she earned a promotion to Café Assistant Manager, and she’s been beaming ever since.

“When she came to enrollment, she seemed a bit distant and nervous,” says Ella, but “now she comes in with a smile and happy. She loves her job and the company she works for.”

Allyson agrees, stating that “This success means everything to me! It’s a huge part of my story and this journey that I’ve been on for almost two and a half years now. I’m grateful to have found FSET, as they helped me achieve my goals and beyond!”

Allyson hopes to further her career in management and “provide a life for my children that we are proud to have!” You’re doing a great job, Allyson!


Do you need help locating the resources to find a good job in your community? Learn more about the FSET program.

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