Always Ready for a Challenge

Sometimes the success that comes from working with TrANS can take a while to set in. Take Rashaun for example. He came to the program with a criminal background, so he’s used to getting pushed out of hiring queues. “Now, when I apply to road construction jobs and I tell them I’m a TrANS graduate, they take me serious,” he says, adding that “I’m still realizing I’m a success.” His career success isn’t just because he graduated, however, but because he committed himself to starting a better life.

“I chose the class because I wanted better, and I knew construction could give me a future,” says Rashaun. He was determined not just to learn the trade but “to be a better person than when I came into the program.”

Despite legal issues and pandemic shutdowns, Rashaun pushed himself to earn his certificates and prove his value to contractors. He attended every interview at the SW TrANS Virtual Job Fair event and quickly received two job offers. He was hired by Mega Rentals, has earned his Class B CDL, and is using the off-season to pursue further training.

“This is a great opportunity to have a career, not just a job,” Rashaun says. He wants others to know that if they want more from life, construction is a great way to get started.

“Always challenge yourself,” Rashaun advises. “Try to outdo yourself, and never let where you came from define or determine where you’re going.”

Congratulations, Rashaun!

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