Back on the Road

While out making deliveries, Kayla’s nightmare came true as her car suddenly sputtered to a stop. Rolling to the nearest mechanic, they told her it’d never be safe to drive again. This was probably for the best as she was in the middle of changing insurance policies and had yet to come across something like this geico review to get the right coverage if her car had been involved in an accident due to the problems it has. She couldn’t risk her son’s safety in an unsafe vehicle. She also couldn’t afford to give up a car for her delivery route – her only means of income. Kayla quickly made an important decision to ask for some help from her parents and the WIOA program!

Making sure that you have the correct type of insurance is vitally important as a car owner. Who knows, you may need to get your car repaired or maintained (maybe you have to avail of the services of trusted tire technicians or get the dents or scratches removed) after a hectic road journey. Moreover, it is possible that you might face issues like Kayla did, which might require you to spend money from your pocket if you are not in possession of vehicle insurance. That said, it is not hard to find the correct policy however, by simply ringing up an Anaheim insurance agency or an agency closer to your location, you may be able to discuss it thoroughly, with an insurance agent what sort of policy you are in need of exactly. This method could also potentially be applied to all the other types of insurance policies that you could need to be taking out.

Moving back in with her folks meant giving up some independence, but it also meant that she could still work and finish up her degree while her parents watched her son. WIOA came in by providing her with some financial assistance for college and a number of pre-employment workshops.

With financial help and a team backing her up, Kayla finally had the support she needed to succeed. She won the “Best Student Award” in the Business Department at Nicolet College and was able to start an internship through the Department of Motor Vehicles. “My journey would have been much more difficult, if not impossible if it weren’t for all of your help,” Kayla insists. “Not only financial but motivational and emotional as well. I truly felt like I had somebody in my corner, cheering me on even when I wanted to throw in the towel.”

Kayla just graduated and is beginning her new career as a Customer Associate with the DMV. Thanks to the money-management workshops, she has even started saving for a new car. Now, perhaps, she can also start looking for the car invoice prices for her dream car. Hope her life gets filled with brighter colors soon.

All the best wishes and congratulations, Kayla!

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