True Independence

Joshua graduated from TrANS in October 2013 and is described by his instructor as the “most physically gifted grad I ever had.” Today he’s working on a 3-year construction apprenticeship with CD Smith, a commercial builder, while also making time to mentor youth and speak publicly about his experience, because his success hasn’t come easily. He learned some … See details

Coming Together in Fond du Lac

What would you call it when you throw an event and 2,500 people show up? We’d call it a great turnout! On June 25th, Fond du Lac held its first ever Community Resource Fair, featuring booths and information from 26 local organizations dedicated to providing outreach to those in need. A variety of services were represented, … See details

The Road Trip

Today, we’d like to share a story from the mouth of one of our TrANS graduates during Friday’s ceremony. Three of these eight graduates have already found employment, and the rest are interviewing and ready to begin lifelong careers in construction. Jose’s words offer the encouragement and hope we have for each person who journeys with us: … See details

A Hopeful Life

Darcy’s story is one of strength rewarded and a hopeful life renewed. Before enrolling in Wisconsin Works, she was working to support herself and her school-age daughter. Her work ethic was never in question, but the long commute was already making it difficult for her to make ends meet. When she discovered that she was … See details

Gretchen’s Hope

Gretchen has always believed her job is to inspire hope in others. When medical issues forced Gretchen to leave her job at the WI Department of Corrections in 2013, she was not expecting a long recovery. But she knew after 2 years out of work that she needed to find support for her two children. Wisconsin Works … See details

Jessi – Full Steam Ahead

Living in a friend’s basement with her three children brought Jessi to the conclusion that something needed to change. Coming off a divorce, she didn’t have a job or a car and saw her credit in ruins. Through Wisconsin Works, though, she has discovered an inner strength and is on her way to building a … See details

Rooted in Success!

It takes strong roots for a plant to grow, but every gardener will tell you that sometimes it takes a little help to get those roots established. Last year, Shartina struggled for financial independence and security for her family. Today, with the help of Wisconsin Works, Shartina is achieving these goals with a new career … See details

Starting Over

When you start from scratch it is like being born again. I brought my discipline and experiences from Cuba, but starting new, starting fresh is a monumental challenge; it feels like being born again. Raul came to Wisconsin with only his teenage son, his education, and his faith. He had earned a Master’s degree and … See details

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