Amanda’s “Surreal” Success

Amanda wants to share her story with all the young women out there who need a little bit of encouragement today. That’s because today, we’re congratulating Amanda on several life-changing accomplishments. She’s been on what she calls a “surreal” success journey since approaching our team in Fond du Lac. From having her second child to … See details

Venashia Advocates for Her Future

Venashia loves helping to care for others, but working full-time and being a full-time mom of four young kiddos can be a lot to handle by yourself.  Venashia knew she and her family deserved better. Having help from FoodShare, Badgercare and WI Shares in the past, she knew she could find the resources to fix her … See details

Chrisana | FSET Story Spotlight

Chrisana Puts Her Future in First Gear

Chrisana was looking for support on her employment journey when she came into our Fond du Lac office. She was on FoodShare, which made her immediately eligible for the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program, which her case worker, Angel, enrolled her in right away. Recently, Chrisana’s car had broken down, which made job searching … See details

Kristin Has A Job She Loves

When we start working on our own personal development, we can outgrow certain aspects of our lives. This was the dilemma Kristin was facing as she recently re-approached our office doors. Nevertheless, she had experienced the great things our FoodShare Employment Training (FSET) program could do and walked through our doors confident that she could … See details

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