Christopher Gets Hired Quickly

Wanting something more in life can be a huge motivation. Christopher was a high school graduate with plenty of work experience and sought after skills, but without a college diploma he felt there were some doors that were closed to him. Talking with previous graduates of the Highway and Construction Skills Training (HCST) program, they … See details

Saychia's Team Has Her Covered

Saychia’s Team Has Her Covered

Saychia has the biggest heart and loves helping people, so there was no doubt that she knew she wanted to be a nurse. When she decided to take the steps toward her dream and enroll in NWTC’s nursing program, expenses quickly started to pile up and cast a huge burden on her finances. Being a … See details

Hailey Refreshes Her Skills

Hailey Refreshes Her Skills

Hailey had just moved her family back to Wisconsin. She was finding it difficult to navigate her once familiar community and realized that needed a little help adjusting and playing catch up with bills. She had utilized services like Childcare Assistance, FoodShare and Badgercare in the past and was sure they could help her and … See details

Larissa is Tough

Larissa Finds Her Strength

When we first met Larissa, she was working a minimum wage job in retail with unstable hours. She was also taking odd jobs as a serve for different jobs just to make extra money to help with monthly expenses. Every month was a struggle, and she was getting tired of not making enough money to … See details

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