Corisa’s Firsthand Experience

Corisa looked around. Her instructor had just asked the class to break into groups. She found a small group and started talking. That’s when she discovered three things: she was good with people, she liked collaborating, and she could help. It’s also why we know she’s going to be great in her new position with … See details

Open Eyes, Bright Future

When Gregory enrolled in TrANS, he soon found himself juggling classes, homework, and his second shift job—it was hard for him to even find time to sleep. Taking a risk, Gregory decided to quit his job and focus full-time on TrANS and learning everything he could about construction. Now the only regret he has is … See details

Necole Finds Family Here

For Necole, family is one of the most precious things in the world. Her mother has been her key ally throughout life, and she loves her children like they are made of pure gold. So we knew her recent success meant a lot to her when she approached her Wisconsin Works team and told them, … See details

6 Success Stories

Today we’re bringing you not one success story, but six! Domitra, Firote, Zawadi, Irankunda, Eshimonwe, and Bernadet all completed a special 15-hour housekeeping course in Oshkosh. These 6 women represented 4 different countries of origin and spoke 3 different languages. Their positive attitudes and teamwork carried them all the way as they helped each other … See details

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