Michelelyn Sharpens Her Skills

When we talk about clients reaching for their dreams, we know that it won’t always be a smooth or straight path. Michelelyn is proof that keeping your eye on your goals and relying on determination to achieve your dreams really pays off. With homeschooling her child and looking for full-time employment, she needed to use … See details

Shaun Serves Up Success

When you enroll in our programs and services, you are matched with a specialized CARE Network that helps connect you to resources and opportunities in the community. Shaun is one of our participants that really utilized this aspect to make his dreams come true. Shaun’s story started in California when he experienced a unique community … See details

The Right Fit for Jacqueline

Jacqueline is a mother and found herself going through a personal issue. This had an immediate impact on her family’s housing as they were forced to sell their house and move. The disruption to her security forced her to reexamine her employment prospects. Specifically, she needed more hours. She approached FSC to enroll in Wisconsin … See details

Stephanie Returns for School

When you become a mother, your whole life shifts, and your priorities can change in an instant. Motherhood can sometimes feel like a miraculous feat and can be even more challenging when you struggle to find steady income to support yourself. Stephanie was a single mom with a beautiful newborn. Quickly settling into motherhood, she … See details

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