Calling the Shots

Check out the uniform! Danielle joined Wisconsin Works for paid maternity leave, but when she learned that they could put her dreams within reach, she decided to stick around and even joined FSET for more. Now, Danielle has earned her degree, is starting her career, and plans to reach for the stars. Although she’d been in healthcare before, Danielle had all but given up on staying in the field. She settled for other work, … See details

Capri’s Route to Success

Last week was even busier than normal for Capri. She typically attends several appointments a week for her son, who has special needs. She’s enrolled in driver’s ed, is taking classes, and is looking into into licensing a business that will allow her to work from home. When we spoke with her on Tuesday, she … See details

Julia’s Success

Please join us in congratulating Julia, a young mother who won’t let anything stop her from giving her newborn the best start possible. This March, Julia was nearing her due date when the pandemic struck. She was laid off, gave birth, and was living with family, but she didn’t feel safe. She joined the WIC … See details

What We’re All About

For Sheri, Wisconsin Works is about much more than employment. Through her participation in W-2, she was able to bring her family out of homelessness and give them the fresh start they deserve. “Coming to see you every week is like going to church,” she told her case manager, Sarah, after starting her new career. “I bring … See details

Dream Coming True

“I grew up in a small town and always dreamed about becoming a nurse,” says MiKayla. For a while, it seemed like everything was going according to plan. She got a job working as a Nursing Assistant and enrolled in college. Then she got tangled up in the wrong crowd. Thankfully, when MiKayla learned she … See details

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