Charles’s Success

Like so many of our clients, Charles’ success story is one of tremendous courage as he sought real change in his life – for himself and his son.
Picking up and moving to Wisconsin earlier this year – knowing absolutely no one – is hard in the best of times; in the middle of a pandemic, it’s just incredible. This is the type of commitment that he has to his son.
Joining the FSET and W-2 programs, he worked with our staff to find child care, got job referrals, and worked with the Salvation Army to find housing – getting the keys to his new apartment recently.
He has made a deep impression on his new employer in a short time. Hired through a staffing firm, Charles said that whenever he finished a job, he went above and beyond, asking for or finding additional tasks. They definitely noticed this and are hiring him on full-time, with a $2/hour raise.
Charles recently sent a message to Lori, one of his case managers, asking her to remember when he first got to the area: “I had no home, no job, no child care, and a broken down car!! Now I have housing, a full time PERMANENT JOB with a great company, and child care and a community of support!!”
Congratulations Charles. We are so happy that we could work with you. Keep us posted on your future successes!

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