Chrisana Puts Her Future in First Gear

Chrisana was looking for support on her employment journey when she came into our Fond du Lac office. She was on FoodShare, which made her immediately eligible for the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program, which her case worker, Angel, enrolled her in right away.

Recently, Chrisana’s car had broken down, which made job searching and interviewing difficult. Angel connected her with bus vouchers while Chrisana completed her job search activities, but Chrisana had her sights set on eventually earning her Commercial Driver’s License (CDL).

First, she said she wanted to obtain part-time employment in an office setting to help with financial stability. She began setting realistic goals and worked hard to achieve them. Chrisana found two trainings to enhance her employability skills. She also enrolled in the Career Connections
course to improve her soft skills.

In addition to resources, Angel helped motivate Chrisana along the way. They revised and polished up her resume and began job searching. Soon, Chrisana found an office job, and now she has her eyes set on her long-term goal of obtaining her CDL.

Angel knows with Chrisana’s positive attitude, she’ll get there and so much further!

Get help with your employment goals with our FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program.


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