Courtney Never Gives Up

Since 2001, Courtney had been in and out of Wisconsin Works (W-2). Circumstances out her control led to bouts of homelessness and medical issues. But don’t worry—this story has a happy ending.

She was resilient and knew the benefits of the program and kept coming back. Over the years, she had found a number of jobs on her own, but life made it difficult to keep the job. Nevertheless, she was determined to find stability for her children and herself.

When Courtney met with her case manager, Lori, they identified two goals—reliable transportation and housing—and one big dream: to become a homeowner.

Step by step, they detailed a path toward achieving those things. Lori connected her with Job Access Loan to help repair her car. Courtney received transportation assistance in the form of gas vouchers. Then came finding a job.

Courtney was offered an opening in a kitchen, but she needed non-slip shoes to start. W-2 quickly supplied clothing vouchers.

With employment, she secured an apartment.

With an apartment, she was able to breathe.

She and Lori never gave up addressing each barrier as it was needed. Slowly but surely, Courtney’s situation began to stabilize, and a new contentment set in. With a little more space in her life, she was able to focus on finding a job she wanted rather than which one she needed.

Soon, she found employment with PRENT as a packer, and she loves it. She has been with the company longer than any of her previous jobs. Recently, she has received a bonus for staying on board. She even has time to make lasagna for her coworkers.

Lori reports a transformation in Courtney since they began working together, stating that it “makes me feel wonderful—like it’s all worth it. I didn’t do any of it. She did it.”

And that dream of homeowning? As of this month, Courtney is getting her own place to live.


Want to achieve your dreams like Courtney? Learn more about our Wisconsin Works program today!

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