Crystal’s Setting the Bar

Crystal joined Wisconsin Works and FSET to support for her family during unemployment. It didn’t take long before she was amazed to find herself on an exciting new path. “Upon entering, I had no goal in mind,” she explains. “FSC helped me build a strategy to start a new career path as an administrative office assistant.” Then one painful twist put it all in jeopardy.

Or so she thought. With a torn ACL, a long recovery, and three children to care for, Crystal didn’t see how she could stay on the career path she’d grown to love. When her FSC team heard about the setback, however, they got her the tools she needed to complete the course from home.

“The classes were streamed live right to my home computer,” says Crystal with joy. Her team also helped her arrange the hands-on practice she needed to find a job upon graduation. “The training allowed interaction with customers, typing, faxing, answering phones, and assisting clients. They were very accommodating to someone in my position.”

We’re happy to say that Crystal has achieved her goal. She earned her Office Professionals certificate and has even secured a few interviews! She’s not interviewing in Wisconsin, though. That’s because Crystal decided to achieve another new goal: moving to Colorado to raise her family in the mountains! She has family there, and she’s always wanted to move back. With her new skills, she finally feels like she can be the independent mom she really wants her children to know as they grow up.

Crystal says that this has changed her from someone who had no goals to someone who’s setting the bar for herself. “My dream for the future is to become a floral designer, own my own home, and be financially stable as an office professional,” she tells us. You are one step closer already. Congratulations, Crystal!

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