David Schools His Dreams

The pandemic has had far reaching effects and not just on employment. Education and training have had more than their share of new obstacles, which is why it’s empowering to hear how people overcome and succeed. Enter David, who was working toward his degree when his studies were interrupted by COVID-19.

Financial Challenges

David was enrolled in college but found himself with some financial challenges. Although he curbed expenses by living at home, working, and taking financial aid, the costs of living and tuition were too much. Graduation was on the horizon, but he didn’t know if he could make it there.

So David did something that would make any teacher proud: he went to the experts in his school to learn more. That’s how he discovered that FSC can help people finish their education. David told Kathy, with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), what he was up against. Before he knew it, WIOA was providing him with financial assistance for education expenses like tuition, textbooks, and tools.

A Different Type of Learning

The pandemic has caused many institutions and individuals to reconsider how we teach and learn. In many areas, virtual learning has become the norm. While this has opened many interesting opportunities, it has also posed new challenges, especially for hands-on learners like David.

This was a big adjustment, and a difficult one for someone in the automotive field. But David never backed down.

“David is an extremely hard worker,” says Kathy, an FSC Career Services Specialist. “He continually set goals and achieved them.”

With Kathy on his side for guidance and support, they walked through any difficulties he was facing and found solutions. “When he felt overwhelmed, we would work together to break assignments down into smaller amounts,” she states.

Soon, he was able to complete the semester and graduate with a 3.4 GPA and a degree in automotive.

Skills to Last a Lifetime

David’s long-term goals included full-time employment and the ability to live independently. His relationship with Kathy and Forward Service Corporation prepared him for his post-college career. This included resume development and interviewing skills, financial literacy, and saving for a home.

“Anytime I needed anything [Kathy] was always there,” David says. She “helped me get through signing up for all of my classes and completing all the paperwork as well as teaching me lessons that will help me throughout my life.”

Upon graduation, David was hired full-time as a Service Mechanic.

“David succeeded because he had the drive and determination to succeed,” Kathy concludes. “He set goals and continually achieved them… He always actively participated and asked for help on life skills when he felt he needed them.”

Good Work

Congratulations, David, on graduating and finding full-time employment in a career field that you enjoy. We wish you the best continuing success and we will always be here if you need us.

David benefitted from the following programs

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

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