Doris Vows for Change

Doris is a graduate of our TrANS program who has transformed her life. Recently, she took the time to share her story, which we present here in her own words.

“As a survivor of domestic violence and homelessness and as a single mother of one incredible son, I made a vow to myself that would never put myself in a situation where my son and I would be homeless again.  At the end of 2017, I was living from paycheck to paycheck.  I felt like I needed a change. I had no idea what exactly it was or what I wanted to do. I just knew that I didn’t like the way I was living.

“I was introduced to the TrANS construction class by two former graduates, Daniel Webster and Tia Menore, who were also doing quite well for themselves after graduating. I applied and interviewed with Mr. Ranard Morris and got in! I graduated 2nd in my class in the spring of 2018. I had no idea about what I was getting myself into I just knew I needed a change for the better.

“After graduating, I enrolled in FSC’s FSET, Wisconsin Works and WIOA programs and went on to take the Class A CDL classes at Fox Valley Technical College. After my first season of flagging I was able earn my Class A CDL License. The NE trans class totally prepared me on what to expect for the flagging position I was about to start. They taught me how to “listen with my eyes, ears and intuition” and “learning to get comfortable being uncomfortable”, two phrases I heard each day in class and played an essential role in my transition.

“As a flagger, I had spent a lot of time watching the QC Techs. It was so cool watching them use nuclear density gauges that I really wanted to know what the gauge actually measures and what their job fully entailed. After flagging for three seasons, I decided to become a QC Tech. This 2022 season will be my 2nd season as a QC Nuclear Density Tech. I thoroughly enjoy my job and I absolutely love working for Northeast Asphalt (Walbec Group). Had it not been for this class, and Ranard Morris, I honestly feel I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now.”

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