FSC at the Plover VFW

In honor of the upcoming Veteran’s Day, the Plover VFW hosted their annual Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen essay competition. Three WIOA team members, Bob Bauer, Nicole Stachurski, and Tiaree McDonald, were honored to assist with the judging of 28 middle school essays. All students that participated received a $10 gift card, while the top three received scholarships ranging from $200-$250. The top two will go on to the state level competition to be considered for additional scholarships. 

FSC staff able to offer some insight on judging criteria and utilized this time to establish connections and relationships within the veteran population in the area. They got to hear some amazing stories of persistence and survival that these men and women have experienced.  

Thank you, Plover VFW Commander Norb Strasser, for allowing us to be a part of a special tradition that is held so close to your hearts and thank you Veterans for your years of dedication and service to our country. You are what makes America great.   

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