Helping Others

This week we’re excited to tell you about William, a customer enrolled in WIOA who’s not only training for a great career but is also inviting fellow students to get into the boat with him.

Shortly after enrolling in WIOA, the North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board announced a special short-term training in CNC (Computer Numerical Controlled) operation for manufacturing offered by Northcentral Technical College in Wausau. William put his name in for the training, passed the ACCUPLACER, and got ready for five months of rigorous work.

William quickly distinguished himself in the class, not only for his performance, but also for his willingness to help others. When students were talking about carpooling to the class, he soon stepped forward as a driver and has made it possible for at least 1 other student to attend who would not have been able to get back and forth.

This happened again when our Career Services Specialists noticed that some students were struggling with math in the class – and, trust us, there’s a lot of math involved with CNC operation. They quickly thought – “I wonder if William could help these students.” Jumping at the opportunity, he has been providing help in a study group where they review the lessons of the day together. You can see William and Meng here studying.

William tutoring WIOA
William helps out by tutoring his fellow WIOA student Meng.

The team spirit in this class is incredible, and we can’t wait until they graduate this summer and start their new careers in manufacturing.

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