Irene’s Success

Join us in celebrating Irene’s success, as she enjoys new full-time employment in a position that offers her a complete benefits package!

A few years ago, Irene arrived in the U.S. as a refugee, and in early 2021, she found a new home with family in Wisconsin. Being new to the area, she needed help getting to know her community and finding a long-term job with benefits. She had been working as a temporary employee, when she suddenly found herself injured and unable to work.

Out of a job, she had no income or employer benefits to assist during her recovery period. So, when she sought us out, we quickly enrolled her in Wisconsin Works for financial aid. Her case manager connected Irene with WERA to help her find quick rental assistance. However, the Road to Livelihood program provided the targeted employment support she needed for the long term. It was here that she received essential resources and services that helped her get back on her feet and ready for new employment.

Soon, Irene was offered a full-time position with Special Service Partners that provided a great wage and full benefits package. More importantly, she loves her job and continues to plan for future career advancement.

We are happy that we were able to assist Irene with the guidance and support she needed to overcome overwhelming challenges.

Congratulations, Irene!

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