Jeanette’s Bright Future

It’s one thing to believe in your dreams, but it’s another to make it come true. Jeanette was young single mother with a big dream. She had all the determination in the world and just needed a little direction to get on her way.

A Focused Vision

For a long time, Jeanette dreamed of owning her own restaurant, serving anything and everything a person could want to eat. But as a single soon-to-be mother with little to no support, Jeanette found herself in a difficult situation.

Jeanette was homebound during late pregnancy, counting the days until she could meet her little baby. But sitting on her dreams wasn’t in her agenda – she wanted to use her time to make them happen. Jeanette brought her vision to Forward Service Corporation to bring it into focus.

A Map to the Future

After discussing her goals with our staff, Jeanette enrolled in the Wisconsin Works (W-2) program, where she met her Case Manager, Ashley. The two sat down and mapped out the steps Jeanette needed to take to make her dreams come true.

“Jeanette is very determined, bubbly, and hardworking,” Ashley says. She could sense Jeanette’s determination as she spoke about her quickly approaching future.

Before we knew it, the future was here. Jeanette had her beautiful baby, jumped on her job search, and landed a position in a company with a whole lot of advancement opportunities. With employment checked off her list, Jeanette decided to earn the credentials that would make her eligible for those positions.

Ashley put Jeanette in touch with schools where she could earn her high school diploma. This opened the door to more educational pathways. She took parenting courses to prepare for unexpected situations as a new mom and learned how she could go about earning a Business Management degree. This lit the spark in Jeanette that kindled a flame.

One Step Away, One Step Ahead

Today, Jeanette is just one step away from earning a managerial title at her workplace. She’s happy to be out of the house and working toward her goals, which now include becoming an assistant manager and eventually running the place. Jeanette also will be going back to school for her HSED soon, with plans to enroll in college for business management.

Best of luck to you, Jeanette! We can’t wait to see what you do next.

Jeanette benefitted from the following program:

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