Jeremy’s Stepping Forward

After a health issue forced Jeremy from the manufacturing floor, he didn’t how to get his life back on track. At first he came to FSET with the hope of returning to his old routine and job. But he quickly scrapped that idea, when he realized that this was his chance to pursue his dreams.

Jeremy worked with his case manager Tiffany to set goals that they could achieve together, like getting a driver’s license and getting clearance to work from his doctor. They also talked about the kind of career he wanted to explore. When Jeremy mentioned customer service, Tiffany knew just how he could get started.

Jeremy volunteered at the FSC front desk, where he created a welcoming atmosphere and learned his way around the office. “Every person who came through the door was important to Jeremy,” says Tiffany. “He discovered he also had some great ideas to share with folks who came in, as well as the ability to listen and offer a bit of advice along the way.” As they worked together, Tiffany saw him become more independent and confident.

Soon, Jeremy started taking bigger steps: earning his driver’s license and applying for work. Whenever he felt anxious about moving onto something new or unknown, he would look toward his dreams and push forward.

“It’s easy to lose your step and go backwards, but eventually taking the next step, even if it’s a baby step, is a sure way to succeed,” Jeremy says.

Now, he’s starting his new job as a host at Applebee’s Grill & Bar. Jeremy is hoping to save up for a home of his own and feels like he’s found the perfect way to ease back into the workforce. We know you’ll be great, Jeremy, and we can’t wait to keep working with you. Congratulations!

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