Kaley Accelerates to Her Dream

Kaley has always loved helping people, especially children. Her passion to help people got her thinking about the Nursing at a young age. Aside from her many talents, she also had a BA in Psychology from UW Madison, as well as her CNA certification under her belt. Kaley wanted to blend her love of working with young children and her background of being a CNA and become a Pediatric Nurse in a hospital.

After graduating, Kaley worked a few nanny gigs here and there to get by. That following summer, she decided to work a seasonal position at a youth employment program called LifeWork$. Her involvement led her to discovering Forward Service Corporation. She soon became familiar with our programs and saw firsthand our services in action. Knowing that going back to school wasn’t going to be easy, Kaley decided to reach out to FSC for additional assistance towards going back to school to help propel her dream.

Fast Track to Learning

Kaley met with her Career Planner, Der, and right off the bat they quickly mapped out a plan and created some action steps to help her obtain more education with the help of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program, Support to Communities, and the Collaboration of Wisconsin Rural Healthcare grants.

Soon after, Kaley enrolled into UW Madison’s 12 month Accelerated BSN program. Though this course seemed quite challenging, Kaley was ready to take it on. She expressed her love of learning and was prepared to do well. She quickly packed up all her belongings into her car and drove to Madison where she settled into a small, cozy apartment and focused on her dream.

When the dust finally settled and reality started to sink in, Kaley knew she had to prioritize her education and work hard to accomplish her goal. She said she “tried to have the goal of taking school and life day by day. There were new challenges throughout the program, but I knew if I took it one step at a time, I would eventually make it through it all.”

Kaley remained focused on her academics and even made the Dean’s Honor List each semester with a 3.8 GPA. Aside from her academics, Kaley also picked up a small part time job working at a nearby clinic to earn some extra income on the side. She maintained in constant communication with her Career Planner, who continuously encouraged her to do well.

Acceleration To The Dream Job

Fast forward to a year later, Kaley completed the Accelerated BSN program. She graduated with the “Distinctive Scholastic Award” and graduated in the top 20% of her entire graduating class! Shortly after graduation, she applied to 2 hospitals out of state to see if she could step outside of her comfort zone. Both hospitals offered her positions.

Ultimately, she accepted her dream role as a Registered Nurse in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Kaley starts her new role soon and says she feels nervous yet eager for the challenges and new opportunities this job will bring. She knows this will be challenging since she will encounter the sickest of kiddos who need specialized care, but she’s more than ready to be a part of the team to help.

“I am so proud of how dedicated Kaley has been in achieving her goals she has set for herself. She is a bright, young individual who deserves recognition for her academics and accomplishments. I cannot wait to hear how she will transition into her role. She will do amazing and will be able to be the best Pediatric Registered Nurse. She is caring, kind and compassionate and I am so thrilled she is in a happier place with a successful future ahead of her,” says her WIOA Career Planner, Der.

Congratulations, Kaley! We wish you the best and are so proud of you!


Kaley benefitted from the following program:

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

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