Karen’s Moving Up

“I’m working my way up from the bottom,” says Karen. After losing her office job in 2016, she had to give up almost everything she owned to make it by. After a winter spent sleeping in her car, she learned about FSET. That’s where she found the experience she needed to jump from “the bottom” straight up to a management position.

“I want personally to thank Hannah, Wendy, Giselle, and all the wonderful ladies at FSC!” Karen says with a smile. Their steady encouragement and key connections expertly helped her gain the skills she needed to get hired. Within her first week, she was practicing clerical work at the FSC office, crafting a great resume, and preparing for interviews. When the opportunity to volunteer at a real work site came about, she was ready.

New Valuations was hoping to hire someone after a trial period, and Karen was eager to prove herself. It didn’t take long before they knew they’d found the candidate they were looking for. Within two months, they offered her a job as office manager.

“I wouldn’t have been able to succeed without everyone’s support and encouragement,” Karen tells us. “It really means a lot and I am ever grateful.” Now, she’s saving for her own place and says “I am going to do everything in my power to remain in that upward motion.” We know you will, Karen. Congratulations!

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