Lisa is “checking out” her future

WIOA Youth participant, Lisa, came to FSC Shawano in June of 2022 in hopes of finding guidance and support with her educational journey. She had stopped taking classes in her Project Management program for a semester and was trying to determine if it was a career she should, or really wanted to pursue after all. Unsure of where to turn, she met with an FSC Career Services Specialist, Tracy, and enrolled in the WIOA program and immediately used the many assessment tools to build a plan that would help her decide what her next steps should be.

After taking a career assessment, examining Labor Market Information, exploring other programs she was interested at the nearby Northwest Technical College, and creating a baseline resume to look at personal skills and experience. Lisa and Tracy worked on a resume, interview tips, best practices, and set her up for success as she applied for opportunities. Lisa finally decided to pursue a Work Experience Internship through WIOA in the Shawano area! In partnership with the Bay Area Workforce Development Board, Lisa was able to secure a paid work experience with the Shawano County Library for up to 200 hours.

Lisa is gaining work experience, community connections, and a fair market wage. Her enrollment in WIOA helped work with NWTC to allow her library placement to count as her Final Capstone Internship for her Project Management Tech Diploma this semester.

If you see Lisa at the Shawano County Library in March, April, and May, we want you to welcome her as she learns, grows, and helps the library with their summer reading programs and other initiatives.

Interested in a WIOA Work Experience contact a WIOA Career Services Specialist in your area to learn more.

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