Mary Returns to School

“WIOA is the best kept secret for technical college students.”

Mary was 57 years old and was counting down the days to her retirement. She worked at an aerospace facility, but after seventeen years she received word it would be shutting down by the end of the year. Starting over was scary and stressful. But being a go-getter with a great work ethic, she decided to return to school to learn a new skill and switch careers. However, she had a lot of questions about what it would take.

The expenses of going back to school worried her. When she began to explore what financial help was available, she came across Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). She was connected with Brittany, a local case manager, and they discussed what Mary wanted to do.

WIOA made the career switch easier and gave her confidence in her ability to be successful. First, it helped her with the unemployment process while she explored her educational options. Then, once she decided to take courses in welding and CNC machining, WIOA helped pay for some of the supplies she needed for classes.

During her time at the technical college, Mary flourished! She quickly became the student ambassador for the welding program, aced her math courses, and caught on to hands-on learning at lightning speed with various types of welding in training specific to her interests.

The success is all Mary’s to claim, but she credits her case manager Brittany with answering any question she had and giving a lot of encouragement!

 ” I’ve learned that I can go way farther out of my comfort zone than I ever thought possible,” Mary says. She graduated her welding trainings in May and is looking forward to CNC machining training in August. “Go for whatever your it is! You’ll have days that you’re totally confident in your journey and some days you’ll second guess everything, but I don’t regret a second of my decision to do this. My only regret is that I did not do this way sooner!”

Congratulations, Mary!

We can help you find a career your passionate about. Learn how with our Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA program.

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