Meet Imy

When Imy came to Wisconsin with her family, she felt disoriented and worried. As a Cuban refugee, she didn’t speak English and wondered how she and her husband would be able to support their family. While getting used to the norms of a new country and learning English was daunting, Imy was determined to succeed.

Imy joined us through our Road to Livelihood and Wisconsin Works programs, and we soon set her up with a work experience at a food service provider. While gaining job skills through the work experience, Imy participated in other activities to improve her English, manage her family budget, and plan her weekly schedule. She also joined the ELL Job Club—a group for English language learners who are seeking employment. After a few months, Imy proved herself to her work experience employer, and she was hired as a full-time dish/utility worker! She loves her job, has made new work friends, and encourages others to apply there.

Imy told us that at first, it was difficult to adjust to the work culture here in the United States. She had to get used to rigid work schedules and the expectations of employers. She said, “ELL Job Club was the most helpful thing I participated in to become a good employee. I learned how to interview, how to dress for work, what employers’ expectations would be, and about workplace safety. I also know I can go to the FSC staff for support when I need it.”

Today, Imy is able to support her family. Her next goals are to become a US citizen, get her driver’s license, and continue her education. We know you can do it, Imy! Congratulations on how far you’ve come in the last eight months, and we are excited to see you continue to grow.


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