Rachee’s Success

“I wanted something more,” says Rachee. “I liked building things with my hands, and I wanted to make a career doing that.” Although Rachee had experience in construction, he couldn’t seem to advance. Plus, with children to provide for, he wanted to get more than just another job. He just needed a chance to prove himself. After graduating from TrANS, we’re happy to say that Rachee has a career he loves!

“I knew that I could do the work, if I could get a little help,” Rachee states, adding that “TrANS was that help.” He was eager to grab hold of every opportunity the training provided. His instructor, Lorie, helped him with more than learning new skills – her excellent connections and job placement services helped him find the career start he’d been looking for.

“Now, I’m working with Interstate Sealant & Concrete (ISC),” he tells us. ISC works on roads, military bases, and airports across the nation, so Rachee enjoys travelling with his work. “That’s part of the fun,” he says, adding that “I’m making money, too! TrANS is an incredible program, that has allowed me to travel and work.”

Congratulations, Rachee!

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