Relentlessly Positive

Carmen has been following a long and winding road these last few years.

She moved to Wisconsin after a hurricane wiped out her community down south and left her with few options. Although she didn’t know anyone in the state, she decided to relocate to Wisconsin to provide a good life for her daughter and herself. Even when facing some serious health issues, she has kept her hope and determination to focus on what she can do, not what she can’t.

In fact, Carmen will quickly tell you that “can’t” isn’t a word in her vocabulary. Sometimes life doesn’t happen the way you think it will, but she remains convinced that you can get to your dreams by a different route if you put your mind to it.

It’s this relentlessly positive attitude that has made her such a hit when working our office front desk and in the classes she has taken with Forward Service Corporation. With her cheerful attitude and steely determination, she has inspired others to work harder and see that you never really fail – you just figure out ways that don’t work and get back to work with this knowledge.

This has all paid off as Carmen recently started a job washing dishes with a local restaurant. When asked about her new position, she grins from ear to ear, telling us that “this job means the world to me. I love my coworkers and my hours, and I have been getting to work early, just to drink coffee and get prepared for my workday.”

Congratulations Carmen – keep dreaming and drop us a line to let us know about your continuing success.

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