Ruffus: A Role Model for Future Students

Initial success isn’t the only thing worth acknowledging: ongoing commitment is hard work and deserves recognition.

Today we’re congratulating Ruffus. He is celebrating six years on the job after graduating from the Transportation Alliance for New Solutions (TrANS) program in 2015.

With a Little Help from Friends

When Ruffus started out, he had a hard time making ends meet. He admits he was struggling with money. He had job skills and experience but found it difficult to find a good paying job.

Then, one day, he and a friend were at the Community Action Coalition and saw a poster for Transportation Alliance for New Solutions – a program designed to train and certify people in construction and transportation jobs. They saw the potential of landing a good-paying job and applied together.

A Born Leader

The Transportation Alliance for New Solutions program allowed Ruffus to earn certifications for his existing skills while training for new ones. Very quickly, he realized the classroom experience was the most valuable part of the process. In addition to new training opportunities, the class allowed him to emerge as a leader.

“I knew Ruffus was one of those very rare students,” said Ranard, a program coordinator. “He was always ready to lead the group [and the younger students] in his class … always followed his lead.”

At the end of the six-week course, he had finished in the top five of his class.

Constructing a New Life

Following his time in the program, Ruffus began his career as a flagger for Hoffman Construction. He now makes $33.17 an hour for full-time work. He values his independence, his security in knowing he can always find work, and the financial stability to support himself. He has also looked into various investment platforms and methods that could ensure his future financial security. Perhaps, he may also explore San Antonio investment management firms to get professional assistance and guidance in managing the assets.

“[The program] helped me to get my foot in the door,” Ruffus says. “Enroll in the program. The Transportation Alliance for New Solutions helps give a person a chance at a better future.” Then he adds some sage advice: “the program helps … but you have to do the work to get it done.”

Ruffus is a living testament to how hard work can pay off.

Keep rocking, Ruffus.

Ruffus benefitted from the following programs:

Transportation Alliance for New Solutions (TrANS)

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