Shaun Serves Up Success

When you enroll in our programs and services, you are matched with a specialized CARE Network that helps connect you to resources and opportunities in the community. Shaun is one of our participants that really utilized this aspect to make his dreams come true.

Shaun’s story started in California when he experienced a unique community that cared about the well-being of the homeless population. It was there that Shaun discovered his dream to have a food truck. When Shaun recently moved to Sheboygan, he brought along his desire to work with the homeless population. Shaun also had his own challenges that impacted his ability to care for himself and his family. He knew that for him to help others, he needed to take care of himself and his family first. Shaun quickly started making changes towards building a brighter future.

Being new to Wisconsin, Shaun was unsure of what resources were available to him in his community. He was hoping to find the same love and support he had leaned on in California in his new home in Wisconsin. He was ready and excited to start something new.

After being referred by Sheboygan’s FoodShare IM agency, Shaun found his way to FSC.  He was initially looking for help with childcare and getting around town, but he was ultimately looking for more employment training opportunities. He met with his new case managers, Aimee and Britton, who co-enrolled him into our Wisconsin Works (W-2) and Food Share Employment & Training (FSET) programs. Together, they mapped out a plan to start working on his ultimate goals.

Right off the bat, Shaun knew his dream was to own a food truck and still find a way to give back to the homeless population in some way, shape or form. Keeping this dream in mind, his case managers enrolled him into our Essential Skills Training where he could learn the networking and organizational skills that he needed to start a business. “Shaun was open-minded, driven, determined, and ready to take on whatever challenges came his way,” says his case managers.

With a little bit of elbow grease, Shaun quickly completed the courses and was ready to get his hands dirty with job searching. He worked diligently with his Job Developer team alongside his case managers, finding any opportunity that peaked his interests. Shaun focused on activities and employment resources that were directly related to food service and benefiting the homeless population.

In a short time, Shaun had found a great food service position right in town. He is currently a crew member at a place he loves. He has even had multiple discussions with his current employer about a potential leadership opportunity in the works, and is eagerly looking forward to the future to when he has a food truck of his own that provides for those in need. Until then, you can find Shaun riding around on his first-ever moped, something he says “is one of the best of my accomplishments yet!”

Congratulations, Shaun! We’re excited to join you on your journey and can’t wait to see what you do next!


Get the skills you need to succeed by enrolling in W-2 or FSET. Learn how today!

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