Standing Tall

Only a few months ago, Anthony was just getting used to the idea of reconnecting with his children, after his release from prison. He was starting from scratch, and without transportation or a place to live, he wasn’t sure how to be the independent man he wanted them to see. Today, he’s standing tall, talking about all of the goals his new job will help him accomplish, thanks to FSET.

Anthony joined FSET in January to figure out how to transition back into the workforce. His Employability Specialist, Jess, helped him create an action plan right away. They talked about careers he wanted to explore, and she helped him join skills training classes to get a foothold in the industry. She also helped him get transportation to and from job interviews. “Jess inspired me to be hopeful and continue to shoot for the stars,” Anthony says. “I’m thankful for her.”

When he learned about the February Career Event at the Job Center, Anthony was eager to test his new skills. While there, he filled out an application with Neenah Foundry. Within a day, Jess was helping him prepare for an interview!

His new, full-time job just started, but Anthony is already setting plans for the future. Today, he talks about saving up for a car and a place of his own. We’re proud of you, and we can’t wait to hear more great things from you soon. Congratulations, Anthony!

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