Deonte Builds His Family's Future

Deonte Builds His Family’s Future

It’s no secret that the construction industry has a shortage of laborers. According to recent reports, only one person enters the trades for every four people leaving today. Construction companies are hiring more people than ever for these great-paying careers. With our programs, we help many people prepare for when these companies come knocking. Enter … See details

Lauren and her son.

Lauren’s Got This

The moment Lorie read an email from Lauren a few weeks ago, she just had to learn more. “I need to renew my CPR certification. I have some exciting news too! I am a foreman 1 now! As of 2 weeks ago.” – Lauren Lorie is our Highway Construction Skills Training (HCST) Coordinator for Southwest … See details

Larissa is Tough

Larissa Finds Her Strength

When we first met Larissa, she was working a minimum wage job in retail with unstable hours. She was also taking odd jobs as a serve for different jobs just to make extra money to help with monthly expenses. Every month was a struggle, and she was getting tired of not making enough money to … See details

Justin Builds His Career

About five years ago, Justin was in a managerial position. It was the career path he’d always expected to retire on. “I had zero construction experience. I didn’t even own a hammer,” Justin tells us. The only way he could advance his current career, however, was to move. As a single father, that wasn’t an … See details

SW TrANS Partners With Local Entities For After School Trade Program

Southwest Transportation Alliance Network Solution (SW TrANS) has partnered with Hendrick’s CareerTek (HCT). HCT has a state-of-the-art career center located in their Ironworks campus that provides road construction career development, education, and career opportunities to youth in the Greater Beloit community. In partnership with the School District of Beloit, the Boys & Girls Clubs, the … See details

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