Phillip Designs A Bright Future

It was about four years after high school, and Phillip still wasn’t sure which career path was the right choice. The pandemic made finding consistent work difficult, which made it hard to save money for college or learn on-the-job about different options. Today, however, Phillip is enrolled in college and exploring interior design in the … See details

Elizabeth Finds Her Perfect Fit

Although Elizabeth had a part-time job that she enjoyed, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something different was on the horizon. Whenever she envisioned her best future, she saw a flexible job with a warm, understanding atmosphere. Her job was decent, but it wasn’t checking all the boxes. Since she had been with our FoodShare … See details

Stephanie Returns for School

When you become a mother, your whole life shifts, and your priorities can change in an instant. Motherhood can sometimes feel like a miraculous feat and can be even more challenging when you struggle to find steady income to support yourself. Stephanie was a single mom with a beautiful newborn. Quickly settling into motherhood, she … See details

Mother Daughter | Client Spotlight

Sharifa and Farishta Stick Together

Being a stranger in a new country can be scary, disorienting, and overwhelming. It takes inner strength to face the challenges that come with unfamiliar surroundings and an unfamiliar language. But there are opportunities for help. This is a story of a mother and daughter refugees who arrived in Winnebago County needing employment and transportation … See details

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