Resources for Mom

Resources for Mom

Motherhood is a journey that comes with its own unique challenges and joys. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to you at every stage of your journey. From hands-on assistance to online platforms and community support, the options are abundant and diverse. Below are a variety of resources designed to empower mothers like you with … See details

Avery Finds His Confidence

Avery Finds His Confidence

Avery had been living on the streets, struggling to find a decent job that would allow him to afford a place to stay. He felt hopeless, as he faced constant rejection and hardship. His only dream was to achieve financial stability and have a roof over his head. Soon, Avery came to our FSC office … See details

Evictions: Know Your Rights & Resources

Having shelter is an essential human need. Facing eviction devastates a person’s life and mental state. Often, it leaves people overwhelmed and feeling powerless, but knowing your tenant rights can make a world of difference. Consider this: Evictions have returned to (and expected to exceed) pre-pandemic levels. As of August, there have been over 25,000 … See details

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