Tommy | FSET Story Spotlight

Tommy Fast Tracks

Sometimes things happen fast. After spending time in incarceration, Tommy was released and was immediately enrolled in FoodShare and the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program, it’s employment service counterpart. Like many people released, he was in transitional living when he first met with his FSET Case Manager, Melissa Wing in our Waushara office. He … See details

Dakota | FSET Story Spotlight

Dakota Finds His Confidence

The day after Dakota was released from incarceration, he enrolled in the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET), a third party program funded in partnership with the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation. Being justice-involved, he had some different needs and a short timeline to become self-sustaining. Luckily, he was immediately referred from his probation agent to Caitlin … See details

Elizabeth Finds Her Perfect Fit

Although Elizabeth had a part-time job that she enjoyed, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something different was on the horizon. Whenever she envisioned her best future, she saw a flexible job with a warm, understanding atmosphere. Her job was decent, but it wasn’t checking all the boxes. Since she had been with our FoodShare … See details

Stephanie’s Window to Her Future

Stephanie was recently released from incarceration and just starting to get reacclimated to normal life again. As a single mother needing to support a family of five, she became desperate to take any kind of work she was offered. She applied to hundreds of entry-level job positions but only heard back from a handful of … See details

Maria | FSET Success Story

The Second Time Is a Charm for Maria

This is the continuing story of Maria, a very creative participant in the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program. Previously, Maria had approached us for job assistance while she worked hard to get her own business off the ground while pursuing her dreams of being a poet and artist. “I was working with Chasong in … See details

When One Door Closes, Sara Opens Another

“Dreams can change; when one door closes another one opens.” This is a story of a mother from Fond Du Lac County who found her priorities changing as she stepped up to new challenges. But that also meant asking for help a second time. Support when you need it Sara had previously enrolled in the … See details

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