Jeff Is On The Road Again

As the saying goes, “when one door closes, another one will open.” When Jeff saw doors closing in his life, he had the determination and courage to open another one, one that will give him freedom he didn’t know he dreamed of. A little more than a year ago, Jeff was living in a camper … See details

Kira Checks-Off Her List

Job searching can be tough in today’s job market. It can be even tougher for parents, especially single parents, when finding childcare is also on the list of the priorities. This is the situation Kira found herself in just a few short months ago. Kira and her son were staying with family while she was … See details

Shaun Serves Up Success

When you enroll in our programs and services, you are matched with a specialized CARE Network that helps connect you to resources and opportunities in the community. Shaun is one of our participants that really utilized this aspect to make his dreams come true. Shaun’s story started in California when he experienced a unique community … See details

Amanda Accepts No Substitute

Amanda graduated from college a year into the pandemic. With the ongoing stresses of political and social unrest, it seemed like a good time to have a double major in psychology and social work. But there was one big problem: childcare was practically non-existent. Suddenly, a flexible schedule mattered more than ever. Amanda knew exactly … See details

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