Venashia Advocates for Her Future

Venashia loves helping to care for others, but working full-time and being a full-time mom of four young kiddos can be a lot to handle by yourself.  Venashia knew she and her family deserved better. Having help from FoodShare, Badgercare and WI Shares in the past, she knew she could find the resources to fix her … See details

Savannah Nurses Towards a Future

Savannah wanted to make a better life for herself and her little girl. Living in a small apartment and struggling to make ends meet, Savannah decided it was time to get her GED and start reaching her dream of becoming a nurse. With determination and a dream, Savannah made her way to our Winnebago office, … See details

Angela | Success Story Participant

Angela Is Nursing a Career

Today we congratulate Angela, who just started her new career as a certified nursing assistant at Aurora Medical Center! She has always been a person who loves to care for others, and she set her mind to a specific goal and put in the hard work to achieve it. She’s now looking forward to progressing … See details

Dream Coming True

“I grew up in a small town and always dreamed about becoming a nurse,” says MiKayla. For a while, it seemed like everything was going according to plan. She got a job working as a Nursing Assistant and enrolled in college. Then she got tangled up in the wrong crowd. Thankfully, when MiKayla learned she … See details

Off to a Running Start

Harmony knows that a strong support system is key to thriving as a parent, particularly one who’s going for her degree. Her family has always been there for her – and when finances became tight, she found out that WIOA was there for her, too! It’s easy to see how much she loves her family … See details

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