David Schools His Dreams

The pandemic has had far reaching effects and not just on employment. Education and training have had more than their share of new obstacles, which is why it’s empowering to hear how people overcome and succeed. Enter David, who was working toward his degree when his studies were interrupted by COVID-19. Financial Challenges David was … See details

Amanda’s Success

Amanda seems shy when you first meet her. However, it doesn’t take long before you can see that she is a definite people person. Compassionate, understanding, and supremely motivated – she is now putting these gifts and many new skills to work in her administrative career. Like so many of our friends and neighbors in … See details

Renee’s Success

Congratulations, Renee! She’s recently secured a clerical position with the State of Michigan. 😊 Before we met her, Renee had been working as an administrative assistant in her father’s business. She never expected it to suddenly close, and Renee wasn’t sure she had the skills or expertise needed to thrive in another position. A combination … See details

Shannon Switches Gears

This time last year, Shannon never would have expected to see herself enjoying a job in manufacturing. She’d always been in health care, so she never even considered manufacturing a possibility. When Covid forced her to reconsider her options, however, Shannon came to FSC and learned how valuable her talents were across the board. “She … See details

Pawahna’s Success

“Pawahna lights up the room with her enthusiasm,” says Meghan, a counselor with the FSET program. Even though Pawahna has been a U.S. citizen for most of her life, she did not speak English well enough to earn her GED until joining the FSET program this year. She was a child when her family fled … See details

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