Full-Time Family Man

After the ice and snow this weekend, you might wonder what would compel someone like Edison to leave tropical Puerto Rico for Wisconsin. He’d tell you that it was a great decision for his family. Edison loves the support and care that only Wisconsin offers, and you can tell by the smile on his face … See details

Certified Courageous

Building a strong family was all the motivation Amber needed to join Wisconsin Works. She never lets anything keep her down, even getting the flu while struggling with homelessness and a broken car. Today, we’re celebrating a milestone with her, as she graduates with her first training certificate! Amber has persevered over the last few … See details

Lifeline to Lasting Success

When complications left Gabrielle unable to work during pregnancy, Wisconsin Works became a lifeline of support. Gabrielle spent the next few years at home to raise her child. As soon as her baby was old enough, she decided to re-enroll in W-2 and FSET, changing her lifeline into a resource for lasting success. Gabrielle knew that … See details

From Compassion to Career

LaToya is a soft-spoken, caring mother who always puts her family first. When she enrolled in Wisconsin Works, she was just about ready to give up on her job search – this all changed instantly when her team found the perfect opportunity for her to stretch her wings. “I would go to interview after interview … See details

Patricia Rediscovers Her Path

Patricia joined Wisconsin Works and FSET hoping for a great job, but she was surprised to find it waiting in the industry she left long ago. She rediscovered her passion for hospitality during a training course with these programs, and now she hopes to make it her long-term career! “I felt the walk-through tour and … See details

Practice Brings New Opportunities

Coming to the U.S. from a Somalia engulfed in civil wars for decades, Said wanted to give his family the opportunity for a fresh start and peaceful life in Wisconsin. Enrolling in Road to Livelihood this May gave Said the chance to build on his solid work ethic with a new job and a new outlook on the opportunities ahead! … See details

Juan’s Horizons

If you’ve been following FSC for a while, you might recognize Juan from a TrANS flagging class last year. Today, he’s got a full-time job, a new vehicle, and “many contracts in construction, all thanks to TrANS,” he says, quickly thanking his instructors, Lorie and Jennifer. “Without them, none of this was possible.” Juan says that … See details

Active Mind, Great Career

“The WIOA program has helped me learn necessary skills for a job market that is in need of job seekers,” says Matt. He joined WIOA last year, to learn more about a training opportunity in manufacturing. Matt not only excelled in his training but also recently accepted an offer that has him excited about his future! … See details

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