Starting Over

When you start from scratch it is like being born again. I brought my discipline and experiences from Cuba, but starting new, starting fresh is a monumental challenge; it feels like being born again. Raul came to Wisconsin with only his teenage son, his education, and his faith. He had earned a Master’s degree and … See details

Stacey’s Secrets to Success

It might seem like the job you’re searching for is hiding around the corner, but the only way to find it is to keep on looking! That’s not the only secret to success, though. Stacey can tell you all about the thrill of finding work, and a few of the things she did to make … See details

Full-Time Success

It’s a story you might see in a movie: a homeless young woman determined to find work ends up finding much more. With a young child, no car, and trouble reading, Shantina worried about finding a good job, but she never gave up hope. Thanks to our FSET team, she now has a full-time job in child … See details

Never Give Up

Jason knew that he needed to learn a better way to find work. He was constantly filling out applications but could not seem to get a call back, and his work options were limited because of a broken car. Determined to overcome any barrier, Jason heard about the FSET program and decided to sign up. … See details

Gov. Walker Celebrates FSET

Governor Scott Walker joined Forward Service Corporation on April 20th to mark the first anniversary celebration of the FSET program at the Bay Central Job Center in Green Bay.  The FoodShare Employment and Training program launched last year and gives out-of-work Wisconsinites a chance “to live their piece of the American dream,” said Walker as he thanked … See details

Kami’s Story

There are options for people in every circumstance, and knowing what they are can make all the difference. A single mom, Kami’s job barely covered payed for her hour-long commute, babysitter fees, and the diapers her daughter needed, let alone other essentials. She was ready to give up when she scheduled a meeting with Colt … See details

William tutoring WIOA

Helping Others

This week we’re excited to tell you about William, a customer enrolled in WIOA who’s not only training for a great career but is also inviting fellow students to get into the boat with him. Shortly after enrolling in WIOA, the North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board announced a special short-term training in CNC (Computer … See details

Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive

Imagine life without soap, taking a shower without shampoo, or trying to care for an infant without diapers. Or, imagine sleeping on a floor whilst rats and mice crawl over you, biting your skin and leaving dirt all over your body. Whilst this may sound like it could easily be resolved by a quick trip … See details

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