It’s Construction Season

When Sirenia graduated from TrANS, we thought she’d jump right into a new construction career, but that didn’t happen. “After chatting, Sirenia explained that she was fearful of entering road construction because it was seasonal work,” says Lorie, her TrANS instructor. Sirenia wasn’t sure that “she’d be able to support herself during the off-season.” She … See details

Kimberly’s Success

Congratulations to Kimberly, a recent graduate of Respiratory Therapy at NWTC! After three years in the program, we’re proud to announce that she graduated debt-free with high honors. Plus, she’s starting her career at St.Vincent’s Hospital! “Going into a health field program is very time consuming,” she warns, but thanks to WIOA, she was able to focus on … See details

Julia’s Success

Please join us in congratulating Julia, a young mother who won’t let anything stop her from giving her newborn the best start possible. This March, Julia was nearing her due date when the pandemic struck. She was laid off, gave birth, and was living with family, but she didn’t feel safe. She joined the WIC … See details

Michael’s New Life

Michael was a foreman before an injury put him out of work for over two years. He joined Wisconsin Works and FSET to find his way back into the workforce and show his daughter what it takes to be successful. He ended up finding a support network that’s “opened up a whole new life and … See details

Kate’s Pride and Joy

In July 2017, Kate was sitting in her parent’s living room, rocking her newborn baby, and thinking about her future. She had already started college and was working to become a medical laboratory technician. As a single mother, however, she felt completely overwhelmed, wondering how to afford school while taking care of her baby. She … See details

Jason’s Best Advice

As a full-time single dad, Jason would do anything to be a good role model for his son. For a while though, he wasn’t sure if that meant giving up on his education. A tough divorce left finances tight, he didn’t know if he could afford to keep his home, much less pay for school. … See details

Off to a Running Start

Harmony knows that a strong support system is key to thriving as a parent, particularly one who’s going for her degree. Her family has always been there for her – and when finances became tight, she found out that WIOA was there for her, too! It’s easy to see how much she loves her family … See details

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