High School Graduate at 66 Years Young

WillieMae is 66 years old, but she will smile when she tells you that “On the day I graduated I thought I was younger than I was.” After a lifetime of hard work, WillieMae knows that the value of earning her HSED this June is about more than earning a paycheck. It is a badge of … See details

Coming Together in Fond du Lac

What would you call it when you throw an event and 2,500 people show up? We’d call it a great turnout! On June 25th, Fond du Lac held its first ever Community Resource Fair, featuring booths and information from 26 local organizations dedicated to providing outreach to those in need. A variety of services were represented, … See details

Close the Skills Gap with TEMP

Forward Service Corporation is excited to announce the launch of a new program called TEMP, funded by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. A pilot program, it will provide additional training and supported employment opportunities for custodial and noncustodial parents in a number of communities across the state. Marcia Christiansen, CEO, said “TEMP demonstrates … See details

Kami’s Story

There are options for people in every circumstance, and knowing what they are can make all the difference. A single mom, Kami’s job barely covered payed for her hour-long commute, babysitter fees, and the diapers her daughter needed, let alone other essentials. She was ready to give up when she scheduled a meeting with Colt … See details

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