Laura Finds Her Path

New chapters can allow us to reinvent ourselves and see new possibilities. A chance at a new career can be incredibly rewarding, whether someone is thinking about building on their resume by taking on home inspector jobs for a chance of getting into the real estate sector, to someone taking an office position to build … See details

Ursula’s Success

When Ursula came to FSET, she was looking for a little help finding a job. What she gained from her experience was so much more. She found support, confidence, and independence. Ursula had been having a hard time making ends meet, and wanted to start a career in logistics. Her case manager suggested she take … See details

Kakola’s Success

Kakola came to the United States as a Refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo in July of 2020. Kakola’s wife, Furaha, came here as a Refugee in 2016 with their children. After 4 years apart, Kakola was thrilled to be reunited with his family. Once he was settled in, Kakola was ready to find … See details

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