Adriana’s Success

Adriana wanted to be a professional – somebody knowledgeable, respectable, and helpful. The thing is, her only real experience was working in cleaning jobs. As a recent graduate from our Call Center Professionals course, however, Adriana’s earned the foothold she needs to pursue her passions. Every week, Adriana learned something new, and each topic was … See details

Vanessa’s Success

Congratulations to Vanessa, who recently started her new job! After five years as a stay-at-home mom, getting back into the workplace was like entering a new world. For Vanessa’s family, though, it also means entering a new phase of life. “Before having children, I was successful in the workplace and had a bit of college … See details

Sam Realizes His Dream

Six months ago, if you’d asked Sam about his future, asking for help wouldn’t have made the list. Sam’s spent a lifetime cultivating a strong work ethic – he’s well-educated, had a stable work history, and supported his family with a career in IT. “I thought these things would protect me from unemployment,” he explains, … See details

Cecilia’s Motivation for Success

With a baby at home and another on the way, Cecilia couldn’t pull 12-hour shifts with mandatory overtime anymore. She’d worked in production for the past two years and earned a promotion to line lead. Nonetheless, Cecilia realized that her family’s well-being depended on finding a different work environment. She left her job on good … See details

Renee’s Success

Congratulations, Renee! She’s recently secured a clerical position with the State of Michigan. 😊 Before we met her, Renee had been working as an administrative assistant in her father’s business. She never expected it to suddenly close, and Renee wasn’t sure she had the skills or expertise needed to thrive in another position. A combination … See details

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