Olena’s Key to Success

Thousands of people have been displaced since Russia began invading Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Among them were Olena and her children. Separated from her husband, Olena found refuge in Wisconsin. With courage and resourcefulness, this mother has started rebuilding the pieces she left behind. Olena had the support of a sponsor, but little else … See details

Sandy | FSET Story

Sandy’s Positive Outlook

When Sandy approached us, she was struggling financially, mentally, and physically. She was seeing a counselor weekly and under a lot of stress and pressure with bills and payments, which is how she found FSET. Working with her case managers, Rachel and Angie, she stated that she needed help with rent and transportation assistance as … See details

Nicole | FSET Story

Welcome Nicole to Our Team

Many reasons can lead to a disruption in full-time employment, and sometimes that can come in the form of a rare health condition. This was the case for Nicole, who, with her three children, was staying in her parents’ home while she took stock of her current capabilities. Taking one temporary job after another made … See details

Elizabeth Finds Her Perfect Fit

Although Elizabeth had a part-time job that she enjoyed, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something different was on the horizon. Whenever she envisioned her best future, she saw a flexible job with a warm, understanding atmosphere. Her job was decent, but it wasn’t checking all the boxes. Since she had been with our FoodShare … See details

Maria | FSET Success Story

The Second Time Is a Charm for Maria

This is the continuing story of Maria, a very creative participant in the FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) program. Previously, Maria had approached us for job assistance while she worked hard to get her own business off the ground while pursuing her dreams of being a poet and artist. “I was working with Chasong in … See details

When One Door Closes, Sara Opens Another

“Dreams can change; when one door closes another one opens.” This is a story of a mother from Fond Du Lac County who found her priorities changing as she stepped up to new challenges. But that also meant asking for help a second time. Support when you need it Sara had previously enrolled in the … See details

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