Standing Tall

Only a few months ago, Anthony was just getting used to the idea of reconnecting with his children, after his release from prison. He was starting from scratch, and without transportation or a place to live, he wasn’t sure how to be the independent man he wanted them to see. Today, he’s standing tall, talking about … See details

Andrea’s Inspiration

“As a single mother, it was scary losing my job,” Andrea admits. Months behind on rent, she felt like her world had been turned upside down. That’s when a friend told her about Wisconsin Works and FSET. Suddenly, her life went from upside-down to “a complete 180 degree difference!” Andrea is starting a full-time job with … See details

Back on the Road

While out making deliveries, Kayla’s nightmare came true as her car suddenly sputtered to a stop. Rolling to the nearest mechanic, they told her it’d never be safe to drive again. This was probably for the best as she was in the middle of changing insurance policies and had yet to come across something like … See details

Good Moves

Dominique made smart moves this year. The first one was hard: leaving everything behind to begin a better life. The second one made it all worthwhile: beginning her new life with FSET. Dominique made record speed getting back on track after moving away from a tough situation. “Dominique had great motivation,” says Karissa, who worked … See details

Energy Plus Kindness

Fun-loving and full of energy, Casey values every person he meets. So his new, full-time job helping people with disabilities is a perfect fit. He loves building relationships with his clients, including cooking for and playing video games with them. Casey says that focusing on the future gave him a clear goal, and the FSET … See details

Bobbie’s Course of Action

Bobbie’s passion for helping others has kept her going through the obstacle course of life these past few years. She became a skilled juggler as a single, working mom taking classes to become a registered nurse. When this balancing act began to fall apart, she found that WIOA program was there to set things right. … See details

The Road Trip

Today, we’d like to share a story from the mouth of one of our TrANS graduates during Friday’s ceremony. Three of these eight graduates have already found employment, and the rest are interviewing and ready to begin lifelong careers in construction. Jose’s words offer the encouragement and hope we have for each person who journeys with us: … See details

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