breanna and river celebrate with their daughter

Breanna and River’s Success

Parents Breanna and River want what’s best for their daughter. That’s why they came to us for support finding careers that would enable them to provide the best for her. Breanna needed some help finding a career that was right for her. She knew she wanted to work with children, so her case manager suggested … See details

Maria’s Success

When Maria came to our team, she was looking for a little help. She had spent the last 25 years caring for her family full time, and needed to get back into the workforce. While she had been volunteering for 20 years, she didn’t have much recent and relevant work experience outside of being a … See details

Izzy’s Success

Izzy came to WIOA as a high school senior who was unsure of what path to take in life after graduation.  Her dream was to work in an industry helping people, which included a wide array of various occupations. Izzy began WIOA with career assessments and exploring the different careers of interest to her that … See details

Ursula’s Success

When Ursula came to FSET, she was looking for a little help finding a job. What she gained from her experience was so much more. She found support, confidence, and independence. Ursula had been having a hard time making ends meet, and wanted to start a career in logistics. Her case manager suggested she take … See details

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